Unleash Your Potential: Find a Mentor




Why Consider a Mentor?


College students are 14% more likely to graduate college with a mentor.


High-school level students from “low-income” households are 55% more likely to enroll in college with career mentors.


More likely to hold a leadership position.


Students with mentors are 81% more likely to participate in extracurricular activities.


Those with a mentor are 5x more likely to be promoted when working.

5.6 mil

In the U.S., 5.6 million youth ages 16-24 are completely separated from both school and work.

Transforming Obstacles into Opportunities

The harsh reality across the United States is that resources for career advisory and development, access to professional networks, and mentorship opportunities are unevenly distributed, often hinging on social standing. This unfortunate disparity creates barriers for less fortunate students, potentially stalling their pursuit of career goals and perpetuating economic inequality.


We're Here to Break Down These Barriers

Recognizing the lack of resources often facing students at an early age, we strive to offer these individuals the tools and knowledge they need to discover their potential. From guiding students to set career goals, providing insight into resources outside of traditional education, and helping build professional networks, our goal is to empower students to begin their career journeys confidently.

We Believe in The Power of Mentorship

According to The National Mentoring Partnership, mentored students are 130% more likely to hold a leadership position in their career. We are dedicated to bolstering this statistic by connecting students with mentors who can guide them on their path to success. If you have career goals, personal interests, or aspirations and need guidance to get started, we are here to help!

Reach out to us through our "Contact Us" page, and we'll be in touch to support you on your journey.

How We Help

At The Next Step Project, we believe in every student's potential and are committed to help unlock their opportunities. Here's how we provide aid:

Personalized Mentorship

We connect students with mentors from a wide array of industries such as finance, technology, healthcare, supply chain, fashion merchandising, legal, recruiting, and engineering. Our mentors are experienced professionals, passionate about providing personalized guidance to help students navigate their career paths and fields of interest.

Promoting Inclusivity

We stand for equal access to career development resources. We strive to ensure all students, irrespective of their social standing, have the tools, resources, and guidance they need to succeed in their chosen careers.

Tailored Support

Understanding that each student's journey is unique, we offer tailored support to meet their specific needs. We assist students in setting career goals, provide insights into the resources available outside traditional education, and help them understand the skill sets valued in their desired fields.

Empowering Future Leaders

Through our mentorship programs, we empower students to take charge of their futures, fostering leadership skills and enhancing their chances of holding leadership positions in their careers.

Building Networks

The right connections can unlock countless doors in the professional world. We assist students in building professional networks with like-minded students and industry professionals, fostering opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Find a Mentor

We are committed to providing a helping hand to students from all walks of life, because at The Next Step Project, your future is our mission. Let us help you take that crucial next step towards your dream career.

Industries We Cover

Unlocking Opportunities, Guiding Success

Find a Mentor

If you’re a client/student looking for career advice, please apply now!

Become a Mentor

 If you’re an interested volunteer, we look forward to partnering with you to empower underprivileged students to achieve their full potential.


 If you’re an interested volunteer, we look forward to partnering with you to empower underprivileged students to achieve their full potential.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to bridge the gap between talent and opportunity. We're committed to ensuring that all students, regardless of their circumstances, have equal access to the tools they need to plan their careers and build strong professional networks. Through fostering mentorship relationships, tailored support, and promoting inclusivity, we strive to unlock the full potential of every student, fostering a brighter and more equitable future for all.

About Us

We aim to empower young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve their full potential. Founded with the intention of providing students with the guidance, resources, and support needed to succeed, our organization acts as a bridge connecting ambitious students with experienced professionals across various industries, from finance to technology, healthcare, and more. By cultivating personalized mentorship and network-building programs, we pave the way for student success, guiding them as they navigate their career paths and fields of interest.

Meet The Team

Matt Stehl

Recruitment Coordinator

Born and raised on Long Island, NY, Matt Stehl is the oldest of five children and a proud alumnus of Penn State University. During his college years, he was an active member of the Professional Management Association and served as the Social Chairman of his fraternity. Matt's commitment to service and social good began at an early age, being involved with Opportunity International, a non-profit organization, since he was 16. Despite not having a clear career path post-graduation, Matt found his calling in the recruitment industry where he has successfully helped grow leading Banks, Hedge Funds, Trading Firms, Financial Technology firms, and more. Today, as the Senior Vice President at his company, Matt leads a team of over 10 recruiters, advising thousands of candidates on career moves, improving their profiles, and coaching them through interview processes. Outside of work, Matt is a sports enthusiast, with a passion for basketball, volleyball, and cheering for the Giants, Yankees, and Knicks. He currently resides in Manhattan.

Charlie Vaca

Recruitment Coordinator

Charlie Vaca, a native of Elizabeth, NJ, found his stride as a student at Ithaca College where he excelled as a member of the Varsity Tennis Team and President of the Debate Team. Despite his active student life, Charlie initially struggled with professional career direction. However, his resilience led him to stumble upon and excel in recruitment, where he now serves as a VP covering the financial service audit recruitment division. His portfolio is enriched with a diverse range of experiences, contributing to his keen understanding of recruitment and career guidance. Outside of his professional life, Charlie has been involved with Fred's Team, a non-profit organization focused on cancer research. From being an average high school student to now being a pivotal part of The Next Step Project, Charlie embodies the journey of discovering one's passion and transforming it into a successful career.


  • The service is free! Our mission at The Next Step Project is here to bridge the knowledge gap between those that have connections in certain industries and those who do not. We want all future professionals to have access to information that will allow them to be successful in their future professional endeavors.

  • Once admitted, a connection coordinator will reach out to you directly via email to set up a quick 15 - 20 minute call to connect with you regarding your interest. Based on that initial conversation, we will pair you up with a mentor for a 30 - 40 minute conversation with a working professional from that industry. Depending on which industry you’re interested in, the time between the initial call and having the mentor-mentee conversation may take anywhere from a few days to a week or two.

  • All calls are experience different as different professionals have different styles of communicating. What all calls will have in common are the professional giving you an insight into their background, how they positioned themselves for success, and about anything that you’re personally interested in. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the call.

  • You can expect to learn about all sorts of topics and information necessary for you to be successful in the field you have chosen to learn about. Mentors might share information regarding what majors to pursue in college, recruiting schedules & pipeline, necessary skills, and much other information that may not be so readily available. You’ll also be expected to have questions prepared in order to learn about the industry and what is required of you to succeed. Make sure to take notes as you’ll get various insights that may not be readily available on the internet.

  • Once the call is over, you’ll connect one last time with a connection coordinator to see how the call went and go over any insights you may have learned. We will also want to check-in with you to ensure the call was productive.